How to Flourish as an Entrepreneur in a Multi-State Living Arrangement

By: Daniel Sherwin


Being a business owner is tough. You probably have more on your plate than you can handle and are constantly looking for ways to strike a healthier work-life balance. Things become even more complex when you have a multi-state living arrangement. Aside from the time and money of travel, you must ensure both of your homes are comfortable, safe, and healthy at all times.


That said, living in two different states also comes with significant benefits and opportunities to save money. Below, Rental Finder discusses how to thrive as an entrepreneur in two states.


Delegate to your team.


First, you must ensure your company continues to operate smoothly. Not only will this help you to maintain or raise your standard of living, but it will also reduce stress and allow you to enjoy life wherever you are.


The key to running a business when you live in two different states is building a team and delegating administrative and repetitive tasks. Doing so will leave you with more time to organize your life and work on the aspects of your business you’re most passionate about.


For instance, you can hire a registered agent to handle legal matters when you’re out of town. Hiring an agent is easy, and all you need to do is quickly inform your agent of your standard decision-making processes for them to help you avoid potential legal issues. If a tax notification, lawsuit, or anything else comes up while you’re away, your agent can keep things running smoothly until you return.


Equipping your home.


The best way to ensure you and your family live well is to create a comfortable and healthy atmosphere in both homes. If you’re moving into a new home, make sure to invest in any necessary products that can help you settle in smoothly. And consider any upgrades you can make to either home to boost your quality of life.


Some websites provide expert reviews on all their products. So when it comes time to purchase a new humidifier, children’s wagon, or kids educational toy, you can be assured it’s a good investment.


Stocking up on household essentials also ensures your family stays safe and comfortable in both homes. Keeping non-perishables in the pantry and a freezer full of fruits, vegetables, and meats can go a long way in fostering a healthy lifestyle and making your life more convenient. The better you equip your homes, the less you’ll have to think about going from place to place.


Opt for cheaper plans.


In a multi-state living arrangement, you can choose where you purchase your insurance policies. This means that you can go with whichever state is cheaper. So, if you split your time between Kentucky and New York, you can purchase your car insurance in the Bluegrass State to save money. Trading your cable subscription for a streaming service and taking a couple of hours each week to prepare nutritious meals can also save your family money.


Stay informed on living costs.


Finally, keep in mind how the cost of living varies depending on the state you’re in. It’s essential to understand how much you need to budget for in your home states, as well as any you travel to. Here are a few examples:


  • You can expect to pay an average of $70.75 for a 5 x 10 self-storage unit in San Antonio, TX. Finding San Antonio storage units is easy when you use the right websites. 
  • The average meal at a restaurant in Portland, ME, costs $18 a person. 
  • Owensboro, KY, residents pay an average of $550 for a one-bedroom apartment. Use Rental Finder to find the best rates in no time!
  • Infant daycare in Denver, CO, costs $1,730 monthly on average for five days a week. 
  • Richmond, VA handymen charge an average of $71 an hour for home services. 




It's not easy being an entrepreneur, and living in two states can present unique challenges. But finding a registered agent, supplying both homes with essentials, strategizing your insurance, and preparing for various living costs will position you to thrive. Start making your life smoother today!

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